The biome in Oriaxgonasiom is Tundra is cold and largely treeless that forms a continuous belt across northern Oriaxgonasiom. Oriaxgonasiom has permafrost, is a permanently frozen layer of soil, the foil above the permafrost remains frozen for all the year. Because of this biome you can find weird animals like foxes, ducks, geese, caribou etc. For us these are weird creatures because we don't know where did they come from. In Oriaxgonasiom the Orioxgovins live in a average yearly temperature range of -26C to 12C, because of this the vegetation composes of mosses, lichens, and dwarf woody plants. The inhabitants that live in Oriaxgonasiom are called Orioxgovins and the Orioxgovins do not know where did they come from, but there is a myth that the scientist think that they came from the center of another planet in space.